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Bisa Kdei ends deal with J Foley

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Highlife singer Bisa Kdei seems to have ended his managerial deal with radio and TV personality Jay Foley. 

In an interview with Andy Dosty on Hitz Fm Bisa Kdei confirmed he and Jay Foley are no more working. 

Bisa Kdei said both parties have ended their working relationship and that, he has employed a new manager, by name Cole, who is currently handling his business bookings.

As to what caused Bisa Kdei to end his deal with Jay Foley, he refused to talk about it but stated, his contract with me ended. 

Bisa Kdei is currently promoting his latest video, Fakye which was released few days ago.

Fakye is off Bisa Kdei's just released Highlife Konnect album.

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