Residents of Kiobonyo Village are in shock after a man impregnated thirteen women in the same village and ran away after the pressure from them became too much to endure.
The man who was only identified as Erick Kebaso has gone missing for almost a week now. He is married and has three children. He has been having illegal affairs with village women, an action that has made him flee when each demanded attention amid his incapability to take responsibilities.
The elders in the village had a meeting on Wednesday where they called upon the area chief Mr Jared Obwocha to attend. The chief reprimanded the action and said the man will be hunted day and night and that once he is found, he will act as a good example to other men who do not respect their marital vows.
“I will ask the police officers and the area vigilantes to look for the man. If found, I will take a stern action against him that will him an example to the unidentified men of the same caliber,” the Chief said in the meeting.
His wife upon realising how his husband could not control his waist, ran away leaving her children behind without no one knowing her whereabouts.
“Since the man ran away, his wife has been restless, she probably decided to run away leaving their children alone," Edward Orori said.
The chief also condemned the impregnated women saying that it was wrong to get involved in such a relationship with a married man
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